SUNY GCC - Genesee Community College

ACCUPLACER测试将帮助您和您的学术顾问选择课程并计划合适的学习课程. 这些考试不用于决定大学的入学资格.



阅读分班测试是一种广谱的计算机适应性评估,旨在测试考生从一系列散文文本中推导含义的能力,以及在短文和扩展的上下文中确定单词和短语含义的能力. 考试的文章涵盖了一系列的内容领域(包括文学和文学非小说类), careers/history/social studies, 人文学科, 和科学), writing modes (informative/explanatory, 论点, 和叙述), 和复杂性(相对容易到非常具有挑战性). Both single and paired passages are included. 测试池包括真实文本(以前发表的文章摘录或从其出版形式进行最低限度的改编)和委托文本(专门为考试编写的)。. 评估四类广泛的知识和技能:

  • Information and Ideas (reading closely, determining central ideas and themes, 总结, understanding relationships)
  • Rhetoric (analyzing word choice rhetorically, analyzing text structure, analyzing point of view, analyzing purpose, analyzing 论点s)
  • Synthesis (analyzing multiple texts)
  • 词汇表

阅读 Practice Websites:


这个测试衡量的是你有效写作的能力,这对学业成功至关重要. There is a 60 minute time limit.

你的写作样本(将在300-600字之间)将根据它如何有效地向读者传达整个信息来评分. 你的分数将取决于你的表达能力, organize and support your opinions and ideas, not the position you take on the essay topic. 将考虑以下五个写作特征:

  • 焦点 -清晰地表达你的主要思想或观点
  • 组织 -清晰地组织你的回答,并提出一个逻辑顺序的想法
  • Development and Support -你在多大程度上阐述了你的想法,在多大程度上提供了支持细节
  • Sentence Structure — The effectiveness of your sentence structure
  • Mechanical Conventions -你的写作在多大程度上没有在用法和机制上的错误

Writing Practice Websites:


总共有60道题来测试学生的算术, 定量推理,代数和统计学, and Advanced 代数 and 功能 skills. The 算术 test focuses on computation, order of operations, estimation and rounding, 比较和排序不同格式的值, 并识别跨格式的等价值. The Quantitative Reasoning, 代数, 和统计学(QAS)测试评估以下知识和技能.

数学 Practice Websites:


算术测试中有20道选择题, divided into the following content areas:

  • Operations with whole numbers ——添加, 减法, 乘法, and division of fractions and mixed numbers, including order of operations, estimation and rounding, and applying operations to real-life contexts.
  • Operations with fractions ——添加, 减法, 乘法, and division of fractions and mixed numbers, including order of operations, estimation and rounding, and applying operations to real-life contexts.
  • Operations with decimals ——添加, 减法, 乘法, and division of decimal numbers, including order of operations, estimation and rounding, and applying operations to real-life contexts.
  • Operations with percentages -计算百分比有或没有上下文, including percent increase, 百分比下降, determining the percent of a number, and applying percent to real-life contexts.
  • Number comparisons and equivalents -通过排序来比较不同格式的值, using the number line, and using equality/inequality symbol notation; and evaluation of equivalent number statements (to assess mental math strategies).

**算术成绩达到263分或更高的学生需要参加下一代定量推理考试, 代数, 和统计数据* *


定量推理考试有20道选择题, 代数, and statistics test, divided into the following content areas:

  • 有理数 -计算和应用有理数(有或没有上下文), including usage of absolute value.
  • Ratio and proportional relationships — Calculating with rates, 比率, and proportions (with or without a context), and using unit conversions.
  • 指数 -计算指数,根号,分数指数,并应用科学记数法.
  • 代数ic expressions -创造和评估表达的情况, 利用运算的性质来组合相似的项并确定等价表达式.
  • 线性方程 -在一个或两个变量中创建线性方程, solving linear equations, simplifying linear equations and inequalities, and solving systems of two linear equations.
  • Linear applications and graphs -将线性方程应用到现实生活中, 用初等线性函数来描述关系, 画两个变量的线性方程, linear inequalities, parallel and perpendicular lines, and systems of equations.
  • Probability and sets — Calculating probability (simple, 复合, 和条件), 用集合符号定义样本空间和事件.
  • Descriptive statistics -解释数据的图形显示(直方图), 箱形图, 和散点图), describing shape and spread of a sample set, and calculating measures of center.
  • Geometry concepts for Pre-代数 -确定棱镜的面积和周长,圆面积和周长以及体积.
  • Geometry concepts for 代数 1 — Creating expressions for area, 周长, 和体积, 利用距离公式和勾股定理, 以及计算基本的几何变换.

Advanced 代数 and 功能

高等代数和函数测试有20道选择题, divided into the following content areas:

  • 线性方程 -在一个或两个变量中创建线性方程, solving linear equations, simplifying linear equations and inequalities, and solving systems of two linear equations.
  • Linear applications and graphs -将线性方程应用到现实生活中, 用初等线性函数来描述关系, 画两个变量的线性方程, linear inequalities, parallel and perpendicular lines, and systems of equations.
  • 保理 -应用于二次、三次和多项式的分解方法.
  • 二次方程 -创建一个或两个变量的二次方程, 解二次方程(通过因式分解或使用二次方程), simplifying equations and inequalities, 以及解涉及二次方程的方程组.
  • 功能 — Creating functions using function notation, evaluating linear and quadratic functions, graphing functions, and interpreting functions within a context.
  • Radical and rational equations -在一个变量中创建根式和有理方程和函数, 确定根函数和有理函数的定义域和值域, graphing radical and rational fumctions, 简化根式和有理表达式和方程.
  • Polynomial equations -创建一个和两个变量的多项式方程, solving polynomial equations, and graphing polynomial functions.
  • Exponential and logarithmic equations -创建一个和两个变量的指数和对数方程, solving exponential and logarithmic equations, 绘制指数函数和对数函数, 解释指数函数和对数函数.
  • Geometry concepts for 代数 1 — Creating expressions for area, 周长, 和体积, 利用距离公式和勾股定理, and evaluating dilations, 旋转, 翻译, 和反思.
  • Geometry concepts for 代数 2 — Determining volume of non-prism objects, using intersecting line theorems, 利用三角形相似和同余定理, 用坐标平面上的圆方程.
  • 三角函数 — Solving trigonometric equations, 使用直角三角形,包括特殊三角形, evaluating equivalent trigonometric functions, graphing trigonometric relationships, determining arc length and radian measures, 利用正弦和余弦定理.